Biden took office on 20 January 2021, and in just ten months, he had the military confused, demoralized, and divided. He opened the door* (again) to people who have a mental disorder: gender dysphoria (in which these troops would have access to free body mutilations with your tax dollars at $1,000,000 PER troop); used the NSA to create phony investigations to kick Republican NAVAL officers out of military; called any troop that sided with President Trump domestic terrorists and right-wing extremists; nominated Lloyd Austin as SECDEF who masked our troops and ordered them (24 August 2021) to take the FDA Emergency Use Authorization shots (two doses) for the Wuhan Virus or fear the Regime’s maximum punishment: a dishonorable discharge ** which fell under the UCMJ, ARTICLE 92.
In August 2021, 13 American troops died because of the botched withdrawal of Afghanistan, and the United States military LOST $7 Billion in equipment to the Taliban in which SECDEF AUSTIN told Congress, “I support [President Biden’s] decision. I don’t have any regrets.” Biden also reversed Trump’s stoppage of DEI, CRT training which indoctrinates the troops into believing black and brown people are the victims, and white people are the problem—didn’t we have a black president? Asking for a friend…
The taxpayers paid the staggering cost of $1,016,874 for the troops to be subjected to DEI, CRT, Climate Adaptation, Extremism Stand Down indoctrination ( 21 January 2021 - 6 January 2022) which reached 5,889,082 man-hours. The ridiculous cost of time and taxpayer money, yet it was NOT the only cost: pitting the troops against one another based on political party, color of skin, and sexual organs.
On 3 May 2021, Big NAVY put out a DEI Planning Action Memo:
The Chief Diversity Officer ( Affirmative Action Dictator), will oversee changing of base names, “removal of barriers,” and make sure that diversity is the number one key to readiness with timelines. We must have more diversity, damn it! Drop down and give me darker skin!
The majority of the military consists of white males. These white males have VOLUNTARILY signed up to join the service, yet that threatens the racists in charge as they NEED to have different colored skins to feed to their diversity gods. Are they going to drag women and black and brown people in multitudes and force them to join?
In May 2021, an open letter was written by Flag Officers 4 America that consisted of 124 Retired Generals and Admirals’ signatures. In this letter, they expressed grave concern regarding Biden’s cognitive and physical health, the corrosive DEI, CRT, and political correctness maladies permeating the military, open borders, re-engaging with Iran, a total disregard for the Rule of Law…and other symptomatic tactics that lead to Marxism. They knew what was coming, and they didn’t get their intel from the "Psychic Friends’ Network.”
Anyone, who was in service while Obama was in office, knows that the Biden Administration is Obama 3.0. In December of 2016, NAVY sailors had to go through “transgender” training using the manual “Transgender Service in the U.S. Military” dated September 2016.***
I remember my husband coming home from base, and as he walked through the door, he was like a honey badger that had been tied up all day, he exclaimed, “What in the actual F&*K did I just go through?!?!? I had to sit and listen how to address, deal, and work with a person who is confused about their gender!!!! Everyone in the “training” was so confused and pissed off. What bathrooms do they use? Which birthing? Does a woman (who bleeds every month) have to use the men’s head??? The amount of wasted time on this bullshit is a disgrace to the uniform and keeps us OFF the real task: catching terrorists.”
This is an actual excerpt from the manual:
Lieutenant Marty changed HIS gender marker in the Service personnel data system from female to male after completing an approved transition plan. Lieutenant Marty has not had sex reassignment surgery as part of the transition plan and is working with his MMP on a plan to start a family. Lieutenant Marty approached his commanding officer a few weeks ago and mentioned
HE was pregnant. (The capital “he/his” bold print is my contribution to the excerpt.)
A woman pretending to be a man who just happened to be pregnant was the dilemma example. The troops have to go along with this nonsensical scenario and pretend that this “man” became pregnant. Lo and Behold! It’s a scientific miracle! The troops could not say anything contrary to the Regime’s Thought Police in this upside down, parallel universe, or else they would be counseled, retrained, made to apologize, and grovel at the mentally ill’s feet for forgiveness. You’d have a CMEO COMPLAINT , and that would probably be the end of your military promotion.
Now, when you read through this manual, there are multiple examples of ridiculous scenarios to appease the confused persons. You, the taxpayers, paid for the manual, the labor, and the unlimited resources it took to put together. In Biden’s military, this training is on steroids— no pun intended.
Yet people cannot join the military if they have asthma, depression, insufficient natural healthy teeth (so, English people), insufficient height, fat, anxiety, mood disorders, severe acne, hyperhidrosis, and a myriad of other issues. If you are confused about your gender? Come on in! That’s perfectly normal…
Another divisive training/indoctrination manual Obama implemented in April 2012 was the “The EOAC STUDENT GUIDE 3000, Power and Privilege” also known as the White Male Club in military circles. The division that Obama created was akin to the Democrat KKK ideology in reverse. Here is an excerpt:****
a. White privilege is defined as the package of unearned advantages granted to those members of a diverse society with white skin. Moreover, it’s an expression of institutional racism that is largely unacknowledged by White individuals.
b. However, it is important to remember that attributing privilege only to the color of a person’s skin is an oversimplification. The concept of White privilege has little meaning if disconnected from socioeconomic status privilege. The primary purpose of historical institutional racism was to ensure that power and economic resources were distributed more to Whites than to people of color.
This must have reached far and wide because on my husband’s last ship he experienced Obama’s victimhood policy in full effect from some junior sailors. When he wrote a sailor up, the sailor immediately cried racism, filed a CMEO COMPLAINT, and then took it up the chain. The junior sailor not only did this to my husband but to other seniors as well. There was a culture on the ship that used racism as a preemptive strike knowing full well that they had fallen down in their duties.
Even though President Trump was the Commander in Chief at the time getting rid of the “White People’s Fault” indoctrination was going to take eons and painful extractions. Obama’s ideology had eight long years to simmer and stew and it punctured, divided, and created discontent in the ranks.
Obama purged the military of any dissenters that did not believe in his ideology. He fired 197 officers, cut thousands of troops, and starved the military for funds. He let Americans die in Benghazi, Libya and then lied and said there were no reinforcements to send, and lied yet again to the faces of the families of the fallen and blamed a video for the attack. Military morale was as low as a Vietnamese Pot-Bellied pig’s stomach.
In 2016, while I was driving on Fort Gordon in Georgia, I saw a small building flying the LGBTZQxyz123… flag. I could not believe that a U.S. military base was flying a flag that represented the sexual preferences of people. Why would the military be advocating for any type of sexuality straight or gay?
When my husband went to boot camp, boot camp was ONE color, one unit, one NAVY. Your successes were based on MERIT and your own hard work. Now, the military’s primary focus is the “plight” of women and people with different skin colors — not the best person for the job. This should make the troops do a double take as the progressive policies of the Left Wing are actually implementing racist mandates to people who have darker skin. What they are claiming is these people ARE incompetent and cannot make it by their own merit, skill, or intellect.
Biden is the face, but he is a continuation of the divisive policies of Barack Obama that are ruining our military.
FUN FACT: Biden is using VA resources for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.
*In July 2016 —the last few months of Obama’s presidency—Obama allowed transgender people to join the military.
**NAVY’s instruction (MARINE’S fall under the DEPT of the NAVY)
*** ”Transgender Service in the U.S. Military” —will email the entire manual upon request.
**** “White Male Club” manual is difficult to find. Only one capture is on the Wayback Machine. I have downloaded it and will email the entire manual upon request.
EXTRA: What could the troops expect when Biden told them in 2016, “Clap for that you stupid bastards.”